Title: Combat Pistol, (Massad Ayoob’s MAG 20R) $350 August 3&4, 2013
Location: Fernan Rod & Gun Club, Coeur d’Alene, ID
Description: This two-day immersion class covers the fundamentals of shooting and quickly moves into more advanced skills. Ideal for new shooters and novices. Firearms Instructors take these techniques back to their students. All techniques are proven to work under the pressure and stress of the “fight or flight” adrenal dump that occurs during a lethal confrontation. Safety, marksmanship, trigger control, fundamentals of stance and grip, close quarters skills, proper draw from a holster, speed reloads, and one-hand techniques are just some of the topics covered. No prerequisite required. 500 rounds. This class qualifies as the range portion for Massad Ayoob’s MAG 40 program…taught by Massad Ayoob staff instructors Bob Houzenga and Andy Kemp
Start Date: 2013-08-03
End Date: 2013-08-04