Northwest & Midwest Firearms Training, Firearms Classes in Illinois, Iowa and Idaho

Latest Past Events

Massad Ayoob MAG-40

Fernan Rod & Gun Club 11400 E Fernan Lake Rd, Coeur d’Alene

Idaho Massad Ayoob MAG-40, $1000 This is an intense, four-day, 40-hour immersion course in the “rules of engagement” for armed law-abiding private citizens.  The course emphasizes legal issues, tactical issues, and aftermath management. Topics will include interacting with suspects, witnesses, responding police officers, threat recognition and mind-set, and the management of the social and psychological […]


MAG 80 with Massad Ayoob, $1100

An intensive study of defensive firearms that teaches extreme speed for hits, and includes shooting at greater distances, and management of such contingencies as weak hand draws, one-hand only reloads and malfunction clearing if wounded, etc. Students receive several hours of hands-on training in handgun disarming, and in countering attempts by an attacker to disarm […]


Advanced Handgun Skills

Designed by Bob Houzenga and Andy Kemp as an addition to Massad Ayoob’s LFI curriculum and originally taught as LFI Advanced Handgun Skills, this two-day course is fast paced and demanding, focusing on high speed drills designed to build the optimum blend of speed and accuracy. Ideal for the advanced shooter who wishes to hone and […]
