Northwest & Midwest Firearms Training, Firearms Classes in Illinois, Iowa and Idaho

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Massad Ayoob MAG-40

Fernan Rod & Gun Club 11400 E Fernan Lake Rd, Coeur d’Alene

Idaho Massad Ayoob MAG-40, $1000 This is an intense, four-day, 40-hour immersion course in the “rules of engagement” for armed law-abiding private citizens.  The course emphasizes legal issues, tactical issues, […]


MAG 80 with Massad Ayoob, $1100

An intensive study of defensive firearms that teaches extreme speed for hits, and includes shooting at greater distances, and management of such contingencies as weak hand draws, one-hand only reloads […]


Advanced Handgun Skills

Designed by Bob Houzenga and Andy Kemp as an addition to Massad Ayoob’s LFI curriculum and originally taught as LFI Advanced Handgun Skills, this two-day course is fast paced and demanding, […]
