Northwest & Midwest Firearms Training, Firearms Classes in Illinois, Iowa and Idaho

Tactical Carbine Class in North Idaho

Coming up August 25-26 Sign up now. Contact Andy Kemp with questions or comments at or 208-771-3413

NEW – Tactical Carbine

Centerfire semi-automatic rifles, or pistol-caliber carbines only. Slings are mandatory. Red dot type sights are allowed and BUIS are advisable. 600 rounds of rifle ammo and 100 rounds pistol. At least two rifle mags and two pistol mags. Holster, mag pouches etc. Firing will be from short range (75 yards to nearly muzzle contact.) Covering the following topics and skill sets:
•Proper terminology of various parts, field stripping and cleaning.
•Discussion of rifle zeroing options and benefits of add on accoutrements (optics, lights etc)
•Positional shooting: standing, sitting, kneeling, prone and cover positions
•One-hand only wounded officer firing and reload techniques
•Speed reloading and high speed firing
•Mirror image firing and proper transition
•Dealing with offset at various ranges.
•Malfunction clearing and transitioning to handgun.

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